Projector Headlight Bulb Comparison
Testing various bulb upgrades today using a Transit Custom H7 Projector Headlight.
High Powered HID Bulb
These are a new High Powered Xenon HID bulb we have been testing, the brightness is much brighter than a Standard HID Bulb reaching 14,000 lux in the hot spot. Traditional Xenon HID Bulbs can only be installed one way, which often means in Halogen Projector Headlights the positioning of the bulb can cause a dark patch to appear in the beam pattern. This dark patch can be seen in the bottom left of the image above. You can also see light scatter outside of the beam pattern, this is wasted light as the headlight will be projecting light to areas where it is not needed.
High Powered HID Bulb (Modified Base)
With the latest High Powered HID Bulbs that we are testing, it is possible to rotate the base. This positions the Cathode of the HID bulb on the opposite side of where it would normally be. This results in the removal of the dark spot it produced in the previous image. Light scatter is still present, but maybe not quite as much.
Standard LED Bulb
With this particular type of LED Bulb being designed for a reflector headlight, it was expected to see both a dark patch and light scatter. The difference in this image / bulb, we are able to rotate the base of the bulb allowing us to get the best performance from it. Albeit not perfect. In this image we have positioned the bulb in the correct position, you can see the dark patch created is bottom middle as opposed to the bottom left created by the Standard Xenon HID Bulb.
Project-X LED Bulb (link)
Our Project-X LED Bulbs are designed for Projector Headlamps. The results are clear, the dark spot has reduced massively as has the light scatter. With most of the light produced directed correctly, this translates to much more usable light right where you need it. On the road in front of you. Producing roughly 200 lux less than the High Powered HID Bulbs, this isn't noticed when in use. In fact, because the light is directed better and produces more usable light they appear to be brighter. Both in test situations and on the road.